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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2006 Jun 22 17:49 (shift) Bug, the kind elf of the forests
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Date: 2006 Jun 24 21:04
From: stefen
Subject: Run that by me again?
[ninja] Wrench: hey stefen my favortie part is when alll the wookies fight things
on kashyyk and the droids die, but fight jedis that kill them and run around and
kill wookies because wookies are actually jawas that wre created by darth vader who
is actually a wookie droid the killd a jedi but first, that wookie over there onb
the screen right now, got in a pod racer and flew into the Millenium Falcon and fought
a bunch of tusken raiders they killed droids, but the droids are really drath vaders
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