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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2007 Jan  7 12:50 (raa) Length
Next Msg   - 2007 Jan 22 20:10 (raa) too sexy for your N-1 dimensions

Date:    2007 Jan 21 12:59
To:      all
From:    raa
Subject: tilting at windmills
(ppk) Dentin: I have 9000 hp
(ppk) Rydia: that will be a tough battle
(ppk) Rydia: how about you just summon a mob
(ppk) Dentin: well WTH is the fun in that then?  go fight someone else
(ppk) Dentin: if I were killable, I wouldnt be a god, duh
(ppk) Rydia: liez
(ppk) Rydia: i can do it!
(ppk) Dentin: I have 3 hitroll and 3 damroll, and 2d8 damage when I wield my dagger
(ppk) Rydia: thats nice
(ppk) Rydia: that sucks
(ppk) Rydia: ill claw your face off with my dual metal claws
(ppk) Dentin: I use the dagger so I dont kill stuff in one hit
(ppk) Rydia: i dont care to die i have no xp
(ppk) Rydia: as long as you dont insta kill me
(ppk) Dentin: hrm, looks like for every attack you'll make, I can get in four.  And
if I punch instead of using this dagger, I'll do approximately 8000 damage for every
hit I land
(ppk) Rydia: goddamn
(ppk) Rydia: waht the hell
(ppk) Rydia: use the dagger
(ppk) Dentin: its not clear to me that I can actually attack you and not instakill
(ppk) Rydia: well lower your damage
(ppk) Rydia: or let me bs you
(ppk) Rydia: let me bs you dentin

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