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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2010 Mar  3 21:47 (logain) Smash's recycle barrel rampage...
Next Msg   - 2010 Mar 17 22:24 (althor) Smash's demented idea of what ...

Date:    2010 Mar 17 22:15
To:      all
From:    althor
Subject: Smash's demented idea of what Chucky Cheese tokens are for....
Sandman shouts, 'smash is seeking a single woman that takes chuckie cheese tokens.'

Boa shouts, 'ARENT WE ALL'

Boa shouts, 'ARENT WE ALL'

Stefen shouts, 'Wow?'

Smash shouts, 'Althor tells the clan, 'like some girl will want to fuck you for Chucky
Cheese tokens?

Spookykid shouts, 'if they wont your uglyer than me'

Prism shouts, 'tokens are lame girls want the ticket tape'

Sandman shouts, 'so you tried that one already spookykid?'

Spookykid shouts, 'nope you thought its the candy that the tickets get'

Althor shouts, 'Smash needed to be told he would get no action off of giving chicks

Prism shouts, 'tell smash to use the ticket tape'

Prism shouts, 'i'd rather have tokens tho, at least then you can play'

Smash shouts, 'if i am gonna spend $50 on tickets i may as well pay for it myself'

Althor shouts, 'he couldn't...he stuffed them down his pants because he has low self

Prism shouts, 'you dont 'buy' the tickets'

Althor shouts, 'lol Prism'

Boa shouts, 'PRETTY STONES'

Sandman shouts, 'he tried that, he went up to some mother and asked can I trade you
this ticket for your number?'

Prism shouts, 'you win the tickets!'

Smash shouts, 'i won 200 tickets last weekend'

Smash shouts, 'I WON'

Talon shouts, 'i saw smash feeling up the robotic dolls in the band last time we
went, im never going again'

Continued in another post.....

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