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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

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Date:    2011 Feb 20 12:17
To:      all
From:    mason
Subject: old log, but not my oldest :(
[samon] Samon: SAMON SAYZ: face it boa, you have the single worst high level character
in the game

[bovine] Dentin: there's no fucking problem.  Check board 8

Shinoto gossips, 'Ninjas don't watch the news.'

Dentin musics, '42/39/56, you could say she's got it all!'

[samon] Samon: SAMON SAYZ: boa is easily the best rapper on this game

[samon] Dentin: im sick of all this hairless porn, I want to see hairy action!

[undead] Someone: there might of been like  10 good looking girls  that I seen in
the 3 hours I was there and it was like the first day so I seen or passed a lot
[undead] Mason: im sorry you had to go through that
[undead] Someone: probably why I went blind 20 years later

[bovine] Horo: RUSSEL BOA IS...               ROBINHOOD

The mud tells the clan, 'Dentin has become a member of clan Vivi and friends!'

[mason] Dentin: sounds like me at college

[mason] Dentin: behold, for I sayeth unto thee, art thou down with the sickness?
 Lo, let it be written, that thou art indeed down with the sickness!

[samon] Dentin: not to stereotype or anything, but uh prismav is from canada

[bovine] Dentin: yes, and its because you're gay

[bovine] Cargo: can we get a fail string for revenge?
[bovine] Mason: if you thought the player that died was a douchebag, you dont get
to revenge

Storm tells the group, 'any lady who can handle it gets a rimjob'
<725hp 266m 371mv 3802167xp>
Storm tells the group, 'gfd'
<725hp 266m 371mv 3802167xp>gt okay
Storm tells the group, 'mc'
<725hp 266m 371mv 3802167xp>
You tell the group, 'okay'

[samon] Storm: If you cut the bitch bad finish the job and hack her into shoebox
size pieces.

Spookykid tells the clan, 'hey are you a mason in real life?'

(friend) Wolfvixen was killed by The Epitome of Betrayal!

You tell the group, 'You can't see what you are carrying, you are blind!'
Mikael tells the group, 'dont look in my pack just hold it pls'
You tell the group, 'im blind..'

You shout, 'I LIVE'
Mohammed shouts, 'Soon you will die'
Drake shouts, 'shut it muslim.'

Comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the views of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon. To respond to this message, you must be logged into the game.

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