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Date:    2006 Oct  1 09:14
From:    void
Subject: and yet more
[doom] Wyvren: the bible is a great peice of literature, you can take single
lines out of context and poorly translate them, and poof any point you want
to prove is proved

Cygnii gossips, 'Noodles will be a gross barfy brown/purple color. They will
plump up to much much thicker than you thought they would be. '

[doom] Smoke: I was wondering if I'd be old and married when he finally gets
rid of his karma

[foulcumhand] Raoh: something about being locked in the palace pantry with
two elven ladys and a kitchen boy that just warms my heart in a very wrong

[banished lands] Wyvren: damn im so afk im reading netscape again, i should
be shot skinned and used for somethign useful since i wont be of much use as
long as im alive

Crow tells the group, 'woo i have enough water for 2 ramens'

[doom] Smoke: You're inert and featureless

[samon] Caesar: i'd say the reason other animals don't drink milk from other
animals is because they would have a very hard time trying to control the
animal that they're getting the milk from

[samon] Firebird: regardless, it doesn't occur often in nature, its probably
a bad idea [samon] Firebird: i lump it in the same category as bestiality

[alter aeon] Buggirl: not your typical blond. I fight bad guys AND chew gum

[doom] Dentin: of course, the vaccuum field structural energy is like 1e80
joules per cc or something absurd like that

[doom] Druid: hmm i mailed fargone a piece of pizza once

Dentin gossips, 'actually, the question of who or what exactly made spam is
still up for grabs.  Common consensus has it that the 26th dimensional beings
from the H-4 membrane space did it, but there's only circumstantial evidence
for that'

Savage tells the group, 'giant cockshaped buildings rock'

[doom] Druid: i tried to introduce a mating program but i can never seem to
find a male and female of the same type

[doom] Dowart: so anyway, bakc to my original point, my life sucks and
internet porn makes it worthwhile

[doom] Smoke: wait hold on while I think of someone to blame

[doom] Savage: a large slab of meat in The long tunnel.

[fire] Firebird: me and phoenix are gonna "shit light on the heads of the

[doom] Druid: Tarrant throws you a glowing red magical disc, and it lands on
the ground next to you.
[doom] Druid: A yeti clambers out of a glowing red magical disc.

[samon] Cygnii: $50 says that mary kate and ashley olsen do porn the day they
become 18

[doom] Squeak: Repop: v, To take someone's second virginity.

[doom] Squeak: You don't have to worship the devil to win at this game (but
it helps).

[doom] Kabul: oh crud the samon personality is making fun of my kipness

[doom] Dentin: The Martian Canals were clearly the Martian's last ditch

[doom] Kabul: i thought geisha was a brand of tuna

[doom] Dentin: and Entity did bring forth the ire of Dentin, and he was slewn
most heinously causing much blood to be splattered upon his peers.  And they
did rejoice

[cl] Savage: i just told him to fuck a baby skull and leave me alone

Dentin says, 'When you have shot and killed a man you have in some measure
clarified your attitude toward him.  You have given a definite answer to a
definite problem.  For better or worse you have acted decisively.  In a way,
the next move is up to him.'

Cygnii gossips, '(notify) Anubis gave [6904] a litte bit of love to (god)

[samon] Entity: and i made a comment that there would be brown, white, and
jew colored flesh everywhere

[samon] Darth Malcolm: damn, I'm always burning my tongue, anyone carrying
some coochie cooler on them?

[doom] Smoke: just when I think it's bad enough I do something stupid like
this..maybe I should worship jesus

Cygnii tells you, 'i wasnt born with enough middle fingers'

[cl] Redrum: D used to go to the Alaska land bar on Friday nights with wyvren...
[cl] Redrum: wyvren would go to the lesbian side, D to the gay side, then see
who got hit on more

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