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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2008 Jul 11 20:47 (mikael) harhar
Next Msg - 2008 Jul 16 01:50 (ryuzaki) Can't get much stupider than ...
Date: 2008 Jul 11 21:42
From: void
Subject: forever young
You say, 'I am 60 years old, but feel like 997.'
Phoenix says, 'I am 41 years old, but feel like 63.'
Locane says, 'I am 26 years old, but feel like 23.'
Calina says, 'I am 52 years old, but feel like 253.'
Watery says, 'I am 51 years old, but feel like 191.'
Cagalli says, 'I am 36 years old, but feel like 57.'
Locane says, 'I am 26 years old, but feel like 79.'
You make it look like Alton says, 'I am 28 years old, but act like 9'
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