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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2006 Jun 10 06:34 (lokar) nirglings nurblings nikato and ...
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Date: 2006 Jun 10 06:45
From: lokar
Subject: april fools 2005
This was after I announced in gossip that I would give 1000000 gold to the
first person to bring me a mud school dagger ... I started recording a bit
late.. but here is what I have
Saddam gives you A mud school dagger.
Saddam smiles.
You say, 'you are to slow, disqalified!'
Saddam says, 'yeah that's what i thought, bitch'
Saddam pukes all over you.
You tell the clan, 'Saddam gives you A mud school dagger.'
Autum gives you A mud school dagger.
Wrath tells the clan, 'heh'
Autum nods.ho
Wrath tells the clan, 'what you gunna do slap him a million times?'
You tell the clan, 'Autum gives you A mud school dagger.'
Autum says, 'I win right?'
You say, 'no, to slow, disqualified'
Wrath tells the clan, 'sigh silly people'
[gate] Kaoken: haha
Autum says, 'Bullshit'
Autum says, 'You just dont want to give up the cash.'
[gate] Kaoken: I say in gossip first person to bring me a mudschool dagger gets 1mil
Autum says, 'Oh well, I knew it was a joke anyway.'mud s
[gate] Kaoken: three people bring me mud school daggers
[gate] Kaoken: Autum says, 'I win right?'
Autum mutters.
[gate] Kaoken: You say, 'no, to slow, disqualified'
[gate] Wrath: lol nobody wins!
[gate] Kaoken: Autum says, 'Bullshit'
[gate] Kaoken: Autum says, 'You just dont want to give up the cash.'
[gate] Wrath: lmao
Autum says, 'Can I have my dagger back at least than?'
You say, 'no'
[gate] Kaoken: Autum says, 'Can I have my dagger back at least than?'
[gate] Kaoken: You say, 'no'
[gate] Kaoken: lalala
[gate] Wrath: haha
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