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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2006 Jun 10 06:45 (lokar) april fools 2005
Next Msg - 2006 Jun 22 17:49 (shift) Bug, the kind elf of the forests
Date: 2006 Jun 16 15:17
From: void
Subject: gargantuan
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, 'well i used the word gargantuan so it's all good'
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, 'bug will get obsessed with that'
You tell the clan, 'size matters'
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, 'it doesn't'
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, 'it's how you uSe iT'
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, '_although_'
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, 'if it's big and you know how to use it, well'
Rhadamanthys tells the clan, 'it's certainly better loL'
You tell the clan, 'it's big but I don't know how to use it'
You tell the clan, '...'
You tell the clan, 'we were talking about swords, right?'
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