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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2007 Mar  3 08:47 (maul) Ruin likes it a little to the le...
Next Msg   - 2007 Mar 20 01:45 (omi) super horny goat weed!!?

Date:    2007 Mar  8 02:33
From:    aeia
Subject: Straw Man
You say, 'wow, yay jedina for the straw man arguments.'
Lokar says, 'straw man arguments?'
Lokar blinks.
Frak says, 'i'll straw man you'
Frak says, 'straw man arguements is when you make a doll out of straw and then poke
sharp implements into it to enact  a VOODOO CURSE upon your victim'
Frak says, 'basically lokar you are being enacted upon with harsh v00d00'
Frak says, 'and aeia is well enough versed in the dark arts to notice them being
worked with quality and skill'
Lokar says, 'oh
Frak says, 'so she was simply commenting about something that your UNTRAINED EYES
(which are being affected by  piercing needle curses) could not see
You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Frak.
Lokar says, 'so am I gona die?'
Frak says, 'yes but not as often as bser'

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