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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2013 Sep  2 16:32 (wily) Dont play with fires?
Next Msg   - 2013 Oct 28 09:36 (slej) Town crier

Date:    2013 Sep 29 19:33
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: Spit or swallow?
Katye pats a nice fat sausage, making sure it is still there.
Amaya says, sure
Katye gives a nice fat sausage to Amaya.
You frown.
Amaya giggles.
Amaya hugs a nice fat sausage and begins talking softly to it.
You order Amaya to spit sausage
Amaya shakes her head at you, negative.
You order Amaya to spit sausage
Amaya shakes her head at you, negative.
Amaya says, shush!
Katye spits on a small buttery roll, and stupidly attempts to shine it.
You beg Amaya for something.
You beg Amaya for something.
You beg Amaya for something.
Amaya threatens everyone with a nice fat sausage!
You tell the clan, Amaya wont spit!
Amaya tells the clan, nope
Katye tells the clan, I'll do it, give me yours
Your skin turns to a stone like substance.
You give a nice fat sausage to Katye.
Katye spits on a nice fat sausage, and stupidly attempts to shine it.
Katye smirks.
You roll about the floor laughing.
You feel an unexpected warmth in your loins...
You feel much better!
Amaya tells the clan, oh my.
You tell the clan, oh my!

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