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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2006 Oct 16 14:24 (naga) some random stuff
Next Msg   - 2006 Oct 21 23:37 (althor) What was Ganji thinking?!

Date:    2006 Oct 17 23:06
To:      all
From:    maul
Subject: Deep really is deep.
<709hp 243m 314mv>
(The Deep Dragon is trying to get your attention)

<709hp 243m 314mv>
fin savage
Name: 'savage'
Fight string: Savage
Ground string: Savage is here.
Title: is here to serve,`tell :Void help' for details.
Date of character creation: Sat Sep 30 00:31:20 2006
[description not shown, use -l to enable]
[history not shown, use -l to enable]
Clan: mognet central
(clan elder)
Mage: 14  Cleric: 25  Thief: 20  Warrior: 10    Total: 69
Mob deaths:       14
Temp pk deaths:      6
Temp pk kills:      42
Recent arena wins:   2/2

Diff  Level  Deeds accomplished ---------------------------------
get all corpse
sac corpse
get all corpse
sac corpse
get all corpse
sac corpse

Time of last access/finger: Tue Oct 17 23:04:17 2006
Time of last save: Tue Oct 17 22:40    2006
[fos] Savage: Rofl

Press <return> or 'cont' to continue, anything else to quit...
You wake up.

<709hp 243m 314mv>
The Deep Dragon tells you, 'oh god your tiny cactus needle is pushing me inside out

<709hp 243m 314mv>
[fos] Mason: arena me
[fos] Savage: You have no chance against me.

<709hp 243m 314mv>
[fos] Savage: ill unclan myself and then arena you

<709hp 243m 314mv>
fos (The Deep Dragon is trying to get your attention) The Deep Dragon tells you,
'oh god your tiny cactus needle is pushing me inside out practially'
[fos] Maul: (The Deep Dragon is trying to get your attention) The Deep Dragon tells
you, 'oh god your tiny cactus needle is pushing me inside out practially'

<709hp 243m 314mv>
[fos] Savage: wait wwait wait this is a good one

<709hp 243m 314mv>
[fos] Savage: rofl!!

<709hp 243m 314mv>
Naenor awakens.

<709hp 243m 314mv>
Naenor leaves south.

<709hp 243m 314mv>
[fos] Savage: quote that@!

<709hp 243m 314mv>
[xp] Twister: better at trip

<709hp 243m 314mv>
fos I am
[fos] Maul: I am

<709hp 243m 313mv>
[fos] Savage: i see a flash back dude

<709hp 243m 313mv>
[fos] Mason: that deep dragon is always causing trouble

<709hp 243m 313mv>
[fos] Savage: ready maul?
reply Yeah? Feck you bish.
You reply to The Deep Dragon, 'Yeah? Feck you bish.'

Comments are property of the poster and may not reflect the views of the admin or staff of Alter Aeon. To respond to this message, you must be logged into the game.

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