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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2008 Mar 27 22:20 (shift) something I found
Next Msg - 2008 Apr 4 07:34 (alton) awesome heh
Date: 2008 Mar 27 22:25
From: shift
Subject: .
Dentin tells you, 'well its really pretty simple, I discombubulated the transcendental
lock string on the secondary
extra_desc structs, but without having it hooked up to the immortal probability generator
there's no guarantee that
you would be able to do more than piss in its general direction for all the good
it would do you. And trowels. But
not purple ones'
[samon] Rydia: i got pwnt yes i did
[warpath] Trystis: nod, everyone's down here lately
[warpath] Funk: it's not rape if they already hate themselves
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