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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2012 Feb 6 08:19 (ryok) at last someone don't wanna be r...
Next Msg - 2012 Feb 18 08:53 (kagemaru) Speaking of loud stuff...
Date: 2012 Feb 15 12:08
To: all
From: theghost
Subject: lol
troll Golu: anyone willing to answer my question though? please dont ban me if you
find it unacceptable
troll Morpheus: what question
troll Golu: ok that's my question , please dont ban me if you find it really nasty,
you know, that sticky liquid kind of thing after masterbation? it sticks to my pants,
any way to avoid it? lol
troll Golu: sorry for that kind of question but
troll Tribe: maybe by sticking it in a girl
troll Morpheus: you truly are a kid its plain to see
troll Tribe: or boy
troll Golu: uh
troll Tribe: if that ur prefence
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