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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2013 Jun 13 13:50 (estuan) I love my clan
Next Msg - 2013 Jun 13 15:20 (estuan) I love my clan part 3
Date: 2013 Jun 13 14:15
To: all
From: estuan
Subject: I love my clan part 2
Towlie tells the clan, heh yeah i listen to it when i hike
(friend) Rain was killed by The shadowlord!
A brown sparrow flies up.
You tell the clan, lol if i was listening to it while doing that i'd be coerced
to stomp
You tell the clan, stomp along
A brown sparrow has arrived.
Towlie tells the clan, hahaha i was, it helps, keeps you on a single pace while
you hike up a steep cliff
Eldrin tells the clan, this is still a discussion of music?
A brown sparrow flies east.
Towlie tells the clan, i used to basically only listen to this cd while
mountain biking
Towlie tells the clan, i could ride twice as far/ fast
You tell the clan, lol nods
Eldrin tells the clan, is "hike up steep cliffs" a maine based metaphor for
endurance based sex
Eldrin tells the clan, Towlie tells the clan, i could ride twice as far/ fast
Towlie tells the clan, rofl
A brown sparrow has arrived.
Eldrin tells the clan, universally understood for sex
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