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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2006 Oct  1 09:06 (void) even more
Next Msg   - 2006 Oct  1 09:14 (void) and yet more

Date:    2006 Oct  1 09:10
From:    void
Subject: and more
[doom] Dentin: I used to think I was bad at math, until my doctor told me
that I was just plain stupid.  Boy, was I relieved!

[samon] Samon: and then when I was in the theater kory whispered to me, heh
yeah and you see dem sheep? thats about as close are your ever going to
fucking get to a pussy and so I was like uh, dude, would you be quiet? I'm
trying to fucking watch the movie

[doom] Dentin: excuse me for a sec, wyvrens pants mysteriously just fell to
the floor.  I better go help her

Sapphire tells the group, 'have to grep my own score, how sad'

Lilith tells the group, '"Uncle Tarr's bed-time mud stories-from hell and
back - an undeads perspective"'

Redrum says, 'i wish i could fuck and sleep at the same time'

[doom] Steve: when danger comes, I am not slow, for it's hop hop hop and away
I go
[doom] Grey: I will feel free to put that on your tombstone when you die

[doom] Dentin: im really not a fan of gods becoming powerful because they
have retarded followers that starve themselves

[doom] Ricer: savage have you ever woke up and thought to
yourself...."gee...I'm just a white nigger"?

[samon] Talos: but it rocks when someone else is paying for your long
distance so you can call someone up in new mexico and play a game of you
don't know jack on the phone

Ranma gossips, 'c sum savage  -----> That hoe may not be disturbed from that

[doom] Dentin: dont get too happy, after a month of this, you'll be smacking
your lips at the thought of red meat

[doom] Squeak: i was testing if wizinvis helped my steal

[doom] Druid: apparantly the royal air force had been doing test flights over
them and the penguins were watching them fly over and followed them with
their heads until they eventually fell over

[doom] Squeak: uh i thought talon had that restraining order, cant get close
to kids or some shit?
[doom] Squeak: oh never mind thats talos

[doom] Druid: embrace the mud, it doesnt give you regular sex but it never
lets you down

[samon] Squeak: and the twinkie look up and saw how awful goodness is

[doom] Shiva: heh,I'm to fat to fit in their tiny freezer.

[doom] Nick: I just bought a GREEN elf hat. Think of all of the poor losers
who have no idea how losery they are...

Savage tells the group, 'chopsticks in my hair, i look like a 6'4 asian girl'

Dentin says, 'lionad might have been around for a while, but if he appears
clueless its because he does not appear to learn very quickly'
Dentin says, 'we're probably just saying taht because we are superior to him
tho, after all, he is a christian'

Dentin says, 'I dont think it would be aggro to him'

Cygnii says, 'if i force it to bs him it will be'

Cygnii says, 'buggerfuck its time for i mean to change the ip
address i mud from'

You gossips, 'tainted mud...ooohh tainted I know I've got to run
away..I've got to get away...'

Elladan gossips, 'Heh. I have a potion that sexchanges you to male, then to
female, and then back to neutral'

[doom] Dentin: 2ow, it s really hard to tyep when this runk

[doom] Vincent: my god that was funny, a snowmachiner was racing a school bus
and wrecked outside

Copper gossips, ''back in my day, we walked to the razor beast uphill both
ways in fourty seven feet of bodies left by altrius and newbie''

[doom] Gar: have you ever wondered why fat people have fat children? or why
chinese people have chinese children?

Savage tells the group, 'im going to rob a navity scene later tonight'

Savage tells the group, 'i visited my mom tonight, asked her how many miles
of cock she's swallowed in her entire life'
Savage tells the group, 'she estimated 11'

[samon] Gar: my house has brake lights, savage's, does not.

Raoh says, 'I wonder what you can get for poaching elves'

Cygnii replies to you, 'we had an american flag and drugs and liquor'
Cygnii replies to you, 'and a tape recorder'

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