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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2013 Jun 13 14:15 (estuan) I love my clan part 2
Next Msg - 2013 Jun 14 21:03 (amaya) A normal day for us.
Date: 2013 Jun 13 15:20
To: all
From: estuan
Subject: I love my clan part 3
Towlie tells the clan, yeah all this good music, im gonna go hike a mountain
now that im drunk and get stoned and listen to heavy metal at the top heh
Dolza auctions, but if my food gets here and I lose I am going to be pissed
Athlon auctions, that's right haw haw haw hawhawhawhawhawheeheeheeheeheehee
You tell the clan, lmfao
You tell the clan, have fun dood. sounds unique
You tell the clan, cackle
Towlie tells the clan, kinda late so I might just stay up there till it starts
raining at like midnight
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