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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2013 Apr 16 11:57 (almaric) epic fail
Next Msg - 2013 Apr 21 03:51 (lilmike) direct contact eh?
Date: 2013 Apr 16 16:49
From: necar
Subject: funny quotes are awesome
Keiser gossips, 'The banking system is incapable of urination, it long ago
suffered from renal failure and is being kept alive via dialysis.' Rill
Thetruegamer tells the group, 'should I drink it?' Crushrock tells the group, 'uh
sure if you want your ass on fire'
gossips, 'Egyptian stone carvers would tag themselves on the bottoms of
tombs and such, down near the sand line. xD' Rill gossips, 'And write nasty
things about the foreman or such.' Rill gossips, 'And the Romans wrote
dirty jokes on EVERYTHING.'
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