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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2006 Oct  1 09:14 (void) and yet more
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Date:    2006 Oct  1 09:17
From:    void
Subject: ...
[cl] Kros: don't worry, it's not your fault you don't know what you're
talking about

Redrum says, 'fisting is not sex, its fisting'

[samon] Firebird: well, i think it was for real, but i went to pee, and i was
staring at the tub and thought i saw the duck, and i went back to bed, but
that might have been my imagination because when i woke up i had to pee real
bad, and when i pee in the middle of the night i don't have to pee like that

[jesus] Savage: I wish i was hindu, they have kinky statues

Darklord tells the clan, 'i could use a bit of bad flesh, muwahahaha'

Darklord gossips, 'he's alter aeon's 2nd favorite dirty mexican'

[fire] Firebird: One sealer was filmed confronting a barking mother seal and
beating her back with the body of her screaming pup.

[samon] Dentin: last weeks phrase was 'friends dont let friends install

[samon] Dentin: a human being can shit more than its body weight in a week,
with the proper help

[fire] Smoke: don't worry my parents are still in jail

[doom] Heart: shrug, id prefer meek, for i will inherit the earth, and the

[doom] Kros: mishap in the microwave, the cockroach blew up

[doom] Squeak: when I order deilvery I always say, "Look for the Halon, just
leave it at the door unless you have a mask"

[doom] Kros: oh, cobra is talking about a vacuum sealer
[doom] Kros: I put my dog in one

[doom] Savage: I'm just like Robin Hood, except I keep the money

Groo auctions, 'I dont cut into my porn time for shit like deep'

Dentin gossips, 'you know you're having a good day when you see this in the
code:          // qq, qq, the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you

Caliban gossips, 'that was kind of funny too.  i just pretended i was tim and
dying didn't seem so bad.'

Vember gossips, 'Or rather, I'd like to.  I'd like best to wait until about
15 worshippers of Xandar and Talos are on and smite every fucknig one of

Dowart gossips, 'i urinated into a covertable last night, while standing in
another car and quickly drove away'

Unclejemima gossips, 'hey talon, finger me again'

[doom] Dentin: smash, chicken choking champion of chinese chodeness

Xandar says, 'i know what blood taste like, and that's not it'

[samon] Firebird: top half of a circle means the target is above ground,
bottom half means its below...just point and click!
[samon] Firebird: BOOM@

Monkeyboy gossips, 'Great, the grammer police are on patrol'
Thrash gossips, 'grammar'

Dentin gossips, 'I got my hoseclamps, and used them to clamp the remains of
the 30 oz chili bean can to my motorcycle exhaust system.  I think it might
pass noise regs now even'

Tim gossips, 'cal i think you know after all these years im not truely an idiot'
Caliban gossips, 'tim... seeing your mudding style after all these years of
playing the game convinces me that you are well and truly an idiot.'

Caliban gossips, 'holy shit does any one know what an intestine looks like
because i think i just shit mine out.'

Alleira gossips, 'i cant believe i lost my virginity to you and now you wont
even talk to me'

Dentin gossips, 'im hot for ya baby, im a pickled beet.  im red but not
embarrassed, and I am good with meat'

Dentin gossips, 'my momma so fat and crazy, the event horizon refuses to form
because the space near her is too twisted'
Dentin gossips, 'rofl, yo mommas so fat that relativity fails to describe the
space-time near her'

Dentin musics, 'straight up now tell me do you really wanna love me forever
(oh oh oh) or are you just having fun?'

[fire] Firebird: what the nigger, the worst is when you call someone and they
are dead

[fire] Squeak: talos and cygnii always thought my idea for a mexican
resteraunt was dumb. You know they have those green, white, and red tortilla
chips? I want to have a specialty chop that only serves red ones, and call it
"The Pink Taco"

Deathvan says, 'its to keep pirates like funk there from messing with my

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