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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2010 May 14 12:12 (lokar) Some kettles ARE black!
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Date:    2010 Jul 31 13:04
From:    draak
Subject: Dentin on leveling
Dentin newbies, '"this game sucks I always die im a level 13 mage only with 43 hp
and my summon spell never summons anything"'

[bovine] Draak: a level 20 in a single class is skill/stat/hitpoint anemic compared
to someone that's 20/15/10/5. It would gunk up level estimates on areas worse than
it already is

Dentin newbies, 'mischannel'

Dentin newbies, 'heh'

[bovine] Rayden: heheh
[bovine] Draak: or rather it does gunk up level estimates

[bovine] Dentin: "this game sucks I always die im a level 13 mage only with 43 hp
and my summon spell never summons anything"

Dentin newbies, 'that was an example of how not to level BTW'

You newbie, '*applaud*'

[bovine] Dentin: wow, that was an awesome mischannel

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