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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2013 Feb 22 15:30 (amaya) Almaric being awesome and creep...
Next Msg   - 2013 Mar  7 18:06 (estuan) alko is amazing

Date:    2013 Mar  5 15:05
To:      all
From:    spiritsinger
Subject: I'd totally come up with some kind of pun for this but, I can't think of one atm. sorry.
Whilddog auctions, 200 dagger
Weyoun auctions, another drink!
Spiritsinger auctions, someone's obviously gonna have an overhang tonight
Wily auctions, cheers drink to that!
Weyoun auctions, overhang?  rofl
Alicinia auctions, lol an over  hang
Alicinia auctions, lolo
Spiritsinger auctions, heh
Spiritsinger auctions, hangover, same thing.
Wily auctions, over hang
Alicinia auctions, thanks that made me laugh out loud for real
Weyoun auctions, "I'm sitting on my patio under a hangover."
Spiritsinger auctions, I got distracted by this. In the next room you see: a large
stone protected by an overhang
Wily auctions, rofl
Alicinia auctions, rofl
Spiritsinger auctions, I get distracted easily :(
Crushrock auctions, yeah I bet you do. when you're under those overhangs
Spiritsinger auctions, nah. I'm usually hung over when I'm hanging over an overhang...
not even I'm that over the roof.
Spiritsinger auctions, hahahah
Weyoun auctions, One Lexie is quite enough, thank you.
Spiritsinger auctions, cackle

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