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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2007 Oct 20 18:26 (final) rly?
Next Msg   - 2007 Dec 10 17:53 (stefen) What the hell?

Date:    2007 Oct 25 18:38
To:      all
From:    maul
Lex tells the clan, 'I even told her she should wear the OPPOSING teams colors'

<584hp 300ma 293mv> Gold:12773
Akasha tells the clan, 'lol'

<588hp 300ma 293mv> Gold:12773

Lex tells the clan, 'because I dont want her screwing up my juju'

<608hp 300ma 293mv> Gold:12773
<611hp 300ma 293mv> Gold:12773
The white aura around your body fades.

<617hp 410ma 292mv> Gold:12773

<617hp 410ma 292mv> Gold:12773
Lex tells the clan, 'stupid poser bitch'

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