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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2013 May 21 22:41 (phalange) Well, she is the goddess of ...
Next Msg   - 2013 May 28 17:43 (thunderer) oh the hilarity

Date:    2013 May 27 02:35
From:    slej
Subject: Weyoun's bot outsmarts us all.
Weyoun says, 'wily, give me gold'
Katye gives 100 gold coins to Weyoun.
Weyoun says, 'Thank you Katye, but I don't accept charity. You may have your 100
gold back.'
Weyoun gives 100 gold coins to Katye.
Wily gives 10 gold coins to Weyoun.
Weyoun says, 'Thank you Wily, but I don't accept charity. You may have your 10 gold
Weyoun gives 10 gold coins to Wily.
Wily rolls about the floor laughing.
Katye rolls about the floor laughing.
Katye gives 100 gold coins to Weyoun.
Weyoun says, 'Thank you Katye, but I don't accept charity. You may have your 100
gold back.'
Weyoun gives 100 gold coins to Katye.
Wily gives you 10 gold coins.
Wily gives you 10 gold coins.
Wily gives you 10 gold coins.
Katye says, 'Liar'
You give one gold coin to Weyoun.
Weyoun says, 'Thank you Slej, but I don't accept charity. You may have your 1 gold
Weyoun gives you one gold coin.
Wily gives 99228 gold coins to Weyoun.
Weyoun says, 'Thank you Wily, while I don't typically accept charity, 99228 gold
is too good to pass up!'
Weyoun thanks Wily.
Weyoun hops about the room like a little kid.
You say, 'hahahahahahahahahaha!'
Wily says, 'nooooooooo'
Katye says, 'That is hellarious'
Wily says, 'gim baaaack!'
You say, 'omg'
Wily rolls about the floor laughing.
Weyoun says, 'you duuuurp'
You say, 'that is totally awesome'
Weyoun rolls about the floor laughing.

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