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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2008 May 15 19:20 (estuan) A bigger what, exactly?
Next Msg   - 2008 Jun 15 12:40 (psythe) Errr... I feel loved?

Date:    2008 Jun  6 15:25
To:      all
From:    raa
Subject: Hrm, a reason for aliases
Jackstraw gossips, 'I read the complaints on the boards about show
getting confused with shoplift alias's but why would you have a
shoplift alis is what I don't get'

Stardust gossips, 'ok i wasnt sure thank you'

Rabbit gossips, 'sounds yummy ouch'

Ouch gossips, 'its only one person complaning ANYWAY BRB'

Wyvren gossips, 'no it comes up every so often, complaints about

Jackstraw gossips, 'shop dirt'

Jackstraw gossips, 'shop dirt'

Jackstraw gossips, 'shop dirt'

Jackstraw gossips, 'shop dirt'

Void gossips, '*drink*'

Jackstraw gossips, 'sorry the last few were eclamations'

Jackstraw gossips, 'rofl' 

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