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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2008 Aug  2 21:27 (logain) When Mrs. is away, Morpheus pl...
Next Msg   - 2008 Sep  8 00:39 (draak) God!!!

Date:    2008 Aug 15 15:09
To:      all
From:    cargo
Subject: comrad/kon
[samon] Cargo: one last piece of advice, don't ever reproduce
[samon] Cargo: but then again you probly don't have much chance of that anyway....
[samon] Cagalli: ZING
[samon] Cargo: that would require someone putting up with you enough to sleep with
[samon] Cagalli: it's sad to say that i have a better chance of procreating than
he does.
[samon] Cargo: which isn't fucking likely

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