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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2011 Feb 20 12:17 (mason) old log, but not my oldest :(
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Date: 2011 May 7 18:53
To: all
From: althor
Subject: Future of AA?
I don't have a quote, rather a dream about the game and some of its
characters. All I know is that it was weird...
First off, Dentin no longer ran AA--either the "machine" took over the game
or Dentin in fact is a "machine". When an AA player would log on their
char, it would say "In Memorium" and it listed everything that particular
char did and how many times (Why that would be important, I don't know).
Sandman gained his eyesight back in my dream but had dementia (hmm...get
your eyes back and then lose your mind...).
AA players got together and formed a community. We all lived in close
proximity to each other. Smith lived across the street from me and Sandman,
Cria was up the street and poor Smash was homeless! He remarked to me in my
dream "I don't have a place to live, but I saw some nice woods over there
that I can camp out in." Of course, Sandman wouldn't let him be homeless
and provided him a room in our house.
Why all AA players would decide to form their own community without the
game is beyond me...but it was just funny hearing all the long timers here
living all together (wonder if that would have been hell or heaven).
Well I am done sharing my messed up dream.....
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