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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2009 Jan 16 23:58 (draak) (to the tune of the dreidel song)
Next Msg   - 2009 Jan 31 11:41 (cagalli) Hostile MUD Takeover

Date:    2009 Jan 23 20:53
To:      all
From:    shinoto
Subject: Happy Birthday!
<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
Raa has entered the game.

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
Raa pounces on you playfully, knocking you to the ground.

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
Raa says, 'Happy Birthday!'

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
You say, 'Omg it's my birthday?'
Raa utters the words, 'atatenodius tao yakilborg engjynvil fumalzen'
Raa begins chanting and moving its hands in circular patterns above the ground.
A clear blue-tinted disc of energy solidifies and hovers in the air before it.

<710hp 483m 316mv 82ac
Raa says, 'Isn't it?'

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
------------> Shinoto @ 'alter aeon' <------------

You are Shinoto S No Retreat&No Surrender D
You have gained favor in the eyes of your god, Byung.
You are an elder of the clan seek and destroy.
You are neuter, and currently 4 feet, 11 inches tall.
You are a level 31 mortal. (ppk)
You are evil.
You are 37 years old, but feel like 135.
Created Tue Mar 21 10:31:15 2006
Your pk rank is 16/100.

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
Raa says, 'I thought i was a day late, too.'
You say, 'My birthday is 2/21...?'
You find yourself among friends
A soft lush green meadow greets your weary eyes, and the noon sun overhead
welcomes you with its warmth. You take a deep breath, and realize you are
finally home. 

Raa is here.
Raa is surrounded with a dark black aura.
[Exits: north east south west down ]

<710hp 483m 316mv 82ac
You say, 'Not 1/21'

<710hp 483m 316mv 82ac
You throw your head back and cackle with insane glee.

<710hp 483m 316mv 82ac
Raa says, 'doh'

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
Raa says, 'Oh well, fuck you.'

<710hp 483m 317mv 82ac
Raa runs up and screams, 'RAA' in your ear.

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