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Prev Msg   - 2006 Oct  1 09:23 (void) etc
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Date:    2006 Oct  1 09:26
From:    void
Subject: I have too many of these
[kato] Kato: its the neocount with things to say in large amounts with things
to count and girls to mount!

[doom] Shorty: Title set.
[doom] Shorty: (Warning: You are gaying up the who list)

[doom] Myst: life is like a box of chocolates. some cunt has always eaten all
the good ones.


[32 32 32 32]   (ppk)Myst is sick of some of the mucking forons...
[skyy] Myst: Tim tells you, 'at the risk of you calling me a mucking foron i
got a question'

[doom] Stefen: damn I had this crazy dream that I found the tome of the
dracolich in braille

[ DESTROYER ]   Talos likes his women like he likes his bourbon: 12 years old
and mixed up with coke.

Khaos gossips, 'the ability to urinate standing up has long since been
considered the greatest achievement of mankind'

Doa Animus Messor says, 'Though we all know they go to lower heaven, the
heaven where they all serve in tobacco fields and picking cotton.'

[doom] Dentin: doom raise an AI instead of a kid, its easier that way because
there's no laws preventing you from killing a sentient computer program as
opposed to a mindless blob of flesh

[deep] Redrum: Step 1, Insert Tab A into slot B
[deep] Redrum: Step 2, Remove Tab A from Slot B.
[deep] Redrum: Step 3, Repeat steps 1 and 2 quickly and repeatedly.

(ppk) Hellraiser: you can take away my hp, but you can never take my FREEDOM

[doom] Funk: Email tells you, '8   (Wed Jun 19 04:56:45 AM 2002 ) It`s not an
issue of maintainance, and I realize that while I am in a supervisory
position. Change requires more then the reorganization of the command
structure flowcharts. The issue is based on personel, not leadership. - ruin'
[doom] Funk: Email tells you, '9   (Wed Jun 19 04:57:51 AM 2002 ) So the
current efforts lean towards the retraining and reassignment of said
personal. Restructuring has been underway for some times, and the fruits of
such are begining to become visible. (ppk)Rapture, (ppk )Mrodd. - ruin'

[blood] Prism: can you two do this in bikinis, with mud?
[blood] Prism: cause its not very entertaining as is

[doom] Dakon: Hey Draco you know there are rumors of a fierce mean bear in
the forest west of ralnoth.

Talon the (killer) gossips, 'haha btw i nailed a college professor to get an

[none] Myst: usually rarity waits till Stefen wants something then kicks in
so the item never loads again

Prism says, 'i want to trade love for undead.'

[samon] Samon: just cut our wrists like cheap cupons and say that death was
on sale today

Talos gossips, 'is it still pedophilia if the child is dead?'

Samon gossips, 'you need to watch your mouth newbie'

Prism says, 'its a dragon party, just sits on hordes of gold and snorts'
Prism says, 'but with a little bit of pyrotechnics'

[elfs] Ava: I would really benefit from multiplaying, I could die twice as

[midnight] Wimp: I am not a complete idiot, some parts are missing

[samon] Samon: sometimes when i'm drunk i wrap my penis around my wrist and
wear it like a watch

Psyren says, 'two years ago, some bitch's husband cracked my collarbone with
a ballbat.' 
Psyren says, 'it was cool.'
Psyren says, 'He hit me in the face so many times I've got these scars on it
from his class ring.'
Psyren says, 'Life is good.'

Anarchy gossips, 'there is no place like'

[ice] Draak: no, I don't want your baby, I have enough pets

[samon] Samon: i wish i was a girl so that i wouldn't have to feel guilty
about owning a dildo

[none] Nuriel: Vishnu replies to you, 'yeah trying to get her off'

[samon] Stolenmemories: now this is just always on my mind. im against rape
and prostitution, for the record but, if you rape a prostitute, isnt it just

Prism legends, 'check out the double hrms on that chicks'

[none] Myst: anyway this one time at blind camp

Prism legends, 'artificial strawberry flavor and juicy fruit just smells...
slutty together'

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