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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2010 Mar  3 20:41 (logain) Just pointing this out...
Next Msg   - 2010 Mar  3 21:47 (logain) Smash's recycle barrel rampage...

Date:    2010 Mar  3 21:21
To:      all
From:    logain
Subject: Steal Smash's recycle barrel and this is how he reacts...
Smash: oh btw
Logain: yes?
Smash: a neighbor a couple houses down stole my recycle barrel
Logain: rofl
Logain: love the whole
Logain: like it was something I NEEDED to know
Smash: dunno about you but we got rid of the small bins and we use these heavy ass
recycle barrels now. the recycle management people can just use a lift to put the
shit in now
Smash: I was like wtf, no one would come over and drive here to steal recycle bins
Smash: it had to be local
Logain: oh no...
Smash: most of the people that live here i kinda know
Logain: nod...we have like trash barrels too for recyclables
Smash: there's this one house with college aged kids living in it.  duplex
of sorts
Smash: so i went to their recycle bin and saw my shit in it
Smash: i fucking flip
Logain: they may have a lot of bottles/glass to recycle
Smash: so i ring both doorbells
Logain: did?
Smash: yes i did
Smash: i am ballsy like that
Logain: and did you make them shit their pants?!
Smash: two avg looking short chicks with glasses answer
Logain: would never know it..because you mud opposite
Smash: one house
Logain: okies..
Smash: and i say i live there blah blah
Smash: did you take my recycle bin
Smash: they said no
Logain: uh ohs
Smash: i said well whoever did it was fucking shady and petty

Door number 2
Read Smash's recycle barrel rampage continued to read the rest of his story

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