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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2006 Oct  1 09:01 (void) More from my stupid quotes file
Next Msg   - 2006 Oct  1 09:10 (void) and more

Date:    2006 Oct  1 09:06
From:    void
Subject: even more
[doom] Caliban: gar is my woman and i wont have you thinknig about her... you
are a woman right?

[doom] Caliban: lose sleep over it fuckhead... and for fuck sake please
please please let the shit that passes for banter on this channel have a
great impact on your mudding life.

[samon] Samon: well, its a good thing dentin wasn't logged in when I said
that or he'd have ripped my ovaries out and fried them up like eggs

[samon] Samon: yay! I surived abortion!

[samon] Samon: oh but your forgetting cygnii, you could get in even more
trouble if you raped me

[samon] Squeak: i dunno, dentin never made me wear the ball gag  

[doom] Smash: hrm, anubis. since you confused me, i am gonna beat the fuck outta

Steve auctions, 'shit my zombie killed me'

Gar tells the group, 'I want it to be very messy when I die.'
Savage tells you, 'have a heart'
Savage tells you, 'on a plate'

Savage tells the group, 'I have many pictures of naked anorexic women'

Savage tells the group, 'last night, i said "Gar's been drinking and he sent
me a tell, saying that with each drink sadie looks less and less like a man"'

Savage tells the group, 'i believe you can judge the quality of a human being by
their porn'

[doom] Lleoric: translation: the bored lleoric wanted to go kill players but
remembered what had been told to him: do not go ppk  untill you are no longer stupid.

[doom] Dentin: Tarrant tells the group, 'god dammit why do all the toilets
have the water so high up, my dick keeps falling in'

Ghostman gossips, 'i like your tits lleoric'

Savage says, 'i used to collect meat'
Savage says, 'so i became the "meat fairy"'

Dentin says, 'ever have one of those days when your left nut just doesnt know
what the right nut is doing?'

[doom] Benedict: somone left my sack of marchmallows open and they got hard

[doom] Shiva: You technical fucks need to dip your minds deeper in the sewers damnit.

Cygnii says, 'wyvren is going to wake up with little pumpkin saws in her
bloody hands and 10 bottles of Skyy vodka on the side of the bed'

[doom] Druid: tried to blow crumbs outta my keyboard and succeeded in getting
loads of saliva in it instead
[doom] Druid: nod this ois just my laptop, the desktop keyboard has been a
source of food for new organisms that have evolved over four years
[doom] Druid: hmm how did blonde pubic hair get in there
[doom] Druid: i dont even know any blondle people

[doom] Lleoric: what always really sucks if finding pubick hair in your mouth
and not being able to remember who it belonged to.
[doom] Dentin: when pizza's in your asshole, you can eat pizza any time

You tell the group, 'smash is a living dead girl'
Smash tells the group, 'i am what i eat'

[doom] Groo: vote groo for pres and I will only tax canadians

Savage tells the group, 'Benedict ran gar two levels, because gar told him he
was a 17 year old cheerleader'

[doom] Gar: how does it feel to know I won't miss you?

[doom] Benedict: Smash would look pretty good right now with my balls on his chin

[doom] Caesar: there was a raffle at my school and somehow i won one.  i can
now send email from anywhere.  that's way too much power for me to possess.

[doom] Caesar: i stuck a metal crucifix in a wall outlet when i was 5.  i was
safe because i kept my fingers on the plastic part, but the thing smelled and
the circuit breaker tripped.

Benedict tells the group, 'when I whipped out my flaming rod snow landed on it and
Savage says, 'and wouldnt a flaming rod, imply some sort of bacterial infection?'
Savage says, '"It burns when i pee!"'

Benedict says, 'Alister I dropped my pocket south if you want it go get it'

[samon] Someone: and the doctors keep telling me, squeak ya better slow down,
but theres alot more old drunks than there are old doctors, so i guess we
better have another round

[doom] Xandar: well, time to go to bed and shit
[doom] Xandar: not in that order

[doom] Lleoric: AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGG! my fucking cat sprayed on my keyboard!!

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