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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2008 Aug 1 11:34 (psythe) hmm...
Next Msg - 2008 Aug 2 21:25 (logain) Talking bad or complimenting m...
Date: 2008 Aug 2 21:18
To: all
From: logain
Subject: Baby uses defined by Talon and Lucid
You tell the clan, 'was thinking of letting the baby visit some clan're
first, Lucid.
Talon tells the clan, 'hrm'
Talon tells the clan, 'proly not a good idea'
You tell the clan, 'uhh..yea..probably right'
Lucid tells the clan, 'heh'
Talon tells the clan, 'ill bring it to a strip club, those hookers will be all over
it in 10 seconds
Talon tells the clan, 'WHAT A CUTE BABY, want a blowjob?'
You tell the clan, 'hey now..can't use the baby to get chickies'
You tell the clan, 'omg!!'
Lucid tells the clan, 'i thought that's what they are for'
Talon tells the clan, 'bah tiss the only reason i got a dog'
Talon tells the clan, 'women love that shite'
You tell the clan, 'lol'
You tell the clan, 'bad Lucid'
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