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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2010 Mar 17 22:24 (althor) Smash's demented idea of what ...
Next Msg   - 2010 Apr 20 16:42 (lokar) Locane and everything with him ...

Date:    2010 Mar 17 22:28
To:      all
From:    althor
Subject: Talon's demented idea of Chucky Cheese's Pizza (Who needs their head checked?!)
Smash shouts, 'I kinda want a chucky cheese pizza right about now'

Talon shouts, 'i want about 11 of them'

Talon shouts, 'do they deliver'

Sandman shouts, 'yea fromundercheese'

Althor shouts, 'the pizza, rat, or vag Talon?'

Talon shouts, 'a pizza with rats and vagina on it'

Althor shouts, 'ewww'

Sirlance shouts, 'EMMM TASTY!!!!! NOT'

Sandman shouts, 'wow that just  sounds nasty.. just creepy nasty'

Talon shouts, 'well a pizza with rat vagina on it is worse right'

Sandman shouts, 'yea unless your squeak'

Althor shouts, 'nod...Talon doesn't exterminate rats, he...loves......them'

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