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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
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Date: 2015 Oct 23 13:13
To: all
From: celeron
Subject: Blazious wants antiques
Clifford auctions, 'it's an antique'
Celeron auctions, 'you have to got an antique store'
Blazious auctions, 'aw'
Clifford auctions, 'yep'
Blazious auctions, 'it doesn't load anymore?'
Shryth auctions, 'it's antique'
Clifford auctions, 'it does in the antique store'
Celeron auctions, 'the area's even closed, you can't get a normal load one anymore'
Blazious auctions, 'where's this store'
Celeron auctions, 'it's on antique lane'
Shryth auctions, 'what area?'
Blazious auctions, 'dont know where's this'
Celeron auctions, 'Antique Lane is in Antique City'
Clifford auctions, 'antique city is at the bottom of uwr'
Shryth auctions, 'on the antique island'
Clifford auctions, 'you should run it'
Celeron auctions, 'there are antique houses on each side of the street but if you
go far south you will eventually find the antique store'
Blazious auctions, 'wehre's this damn island'
Celeron auctions, 'in the antique ocean'
Shryth auctions, 'in the antique ocean'
Blazious auctions, 'will you pay 1k if you take me to tehre'
Rampage auctions, 'hahaha'
Rampage auctions, 'omg, i'm dying over here hahahaha'
Shryth auctions, 'I'll pay you nothing'
Celeron auctions, 'well i would have to get an antique keycard to get into the ocean
and that costs 50k'
Blazious auctions, 'i can shoplift'
Blazious auctions, 'or kill the mob who's selling/loading'
Celeron auctions, 'no, the antique keymaster only gives the key if you actually give
him the gold'
Shryth auctions, 'the antique gold that is'
Blazious auctions, 'ok gr join'
Celeron auctions, 'you know like how you have to give 10 gold to the naga lieutenant
to let you through, it's like that'
Blazious auctions, 'dont believe'
Celeron auctions, 'do you have the 50k'
Shryth auctions, 'from the antique bank vault'
Celeron auctions, 'no shryth is lying'
Blazious auctions, 'I have 0 gold coins, with 7027 in the bank.'
Celeron auctions, 'no antique store for you'
Shryth auctions, 'sorry, right... that was changed'
Blazious auctions, 'ok let's go to the warmaster and ask him'
Celeron auctions, 'the warmaster doesn't wear antiques, he hasn't been there he doesn't
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