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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
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Next Msg - 2007 Apr 17 22:37 (ruin) void
Date: 2007 Apr 11 01:36
To: all
From: porom
Subject: As good as it gets attack of the mutant mole crystals!
You are in limbo, a vast expanse of nothingness. Floating platforms made of
stone occassionally break the lavender clouds to prevent you from falling
eternally into the abyss.
( 3)The evil beaver is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Hephestus is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Jesús is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Laud is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Nakato is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Newt Gingrich is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Nil is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Raoh is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 2)Simon the suicidal squirrel is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)A mutant mole is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)The T'srang is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)The shadow mage is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Ytinasni is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 2)A baby is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)A giant armor plated ant is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 6)Rydia is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 5)A mob of goblins is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 5)A sinister penguin is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)A tamed puma is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 9)A yeti is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 6)Asranth is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 6)Byung is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Dancer is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Dethvan is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Eithne is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Evil is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Firebird is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Groo is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 6)Trystis is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 6)Redrum is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Smash is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 7)Darth Malcolm is here, trapped in a block of crystal.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 0)A small candle sits on the ground, burning brightly.
( 6)Kr'pHat Tal is here, shakin his sexeh A@@ at you.
( 6)Ruin is here.
Ruin glows with a bright light!
[Exits: none ]
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