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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
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Date: 2013 May 5 01:55
From: slej
Subject: Surprise for Alicinia
This requires some context, so sorry for being verbose.
A few days ago, I noticed that Alicinia was idling in the middle of Ralnoth.
I couldn't actually tell if she was idling, because her various triggers kept her
active even when she was AFK, but poking her and getting no response was all the
proof I needed.
So, because I was bored, I decided to surprise her a little.
I have my own room in the Dominion clan area. This means I can edit it, change various
flags about it and basically do anything I want with that one room on the mud.
So for that room alone, I changed the summon flag so that I couldn't be summoned
out, but others could be summoned in.
I then entered a container, summoned Alicinia, and picked up that container. So essentially,
she was now hanging out in a spare weightless in my inventory.
I didn't get to see this happen because I was asleep when she woke up, but the log
is pretty much all you need to see.
* * *
Alicinia falls unceremoniously out of an icy vortex.
(friend) Alicinia posted: what. the. fuck
(friend) Wily posted: what
(friend) Almaric posted: sup?
(friend) Alicinia posted: who picked me up and put me in a contaienr some way and
put me in slejes room
(friend) Alicinia posted: i've been afk for lik 15 hours
(friend) Wily posted: roflroflrofl
(friend) Alicinia posted: and i come back to be in an icey vortex in slejes room
(friend) Wily posted: Alicinia ->Slej's Room
(friend) Wily posted: Weyoun has kicked Alicinia out of the clan area!
(friend) Alicinia posted: how did that happen for real
(friend) Wily posted: slej picked you up rofl
(friend) Alicinia posted: but why the fuck was i there to start with
(friend) Alicinia posted: im normal sized he must of made a huge size set
(friend) Wily posted: not sure, dont thik he is in size
(friend) Alicinia posted: that was the weirdest thing i've ever came back to
Wily tells the clan, think it was fine weyoun, as she couldn't of gotten out of his
Weyoun tells the clan, I suppose that's true
Alicinia tells you, that was soooo weird
Alicinia tells you, you are crazy lmfaooo
(friend) Alicinia posted: well. im afking in my clan recall from now on lmfao. i
wonder where i was prob s w of unholy
(friend) Wily posted: yeah you just get picked up by strange men
(friend) Alissa posted: rofl
(friend) Kragen posted: rofl wily
(friend) Alicinia posted: apparently lmfaooo
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