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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2009 Jan 31 11:41 (cagalli) Hostile MUD Takeover
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Date: 2009 Feb 10 06:49
To: all
From: calcifer
Subject: Abaet likes it!
You gossip, 'WTF happened to the mirror to Nemean Fields?'
Abaet gossips, 'it..uhm..'
Abaet gossips, 'it moves, if i remember right'
You gossip, 'no'
Abaet gossips, 'uhm, yeah'
You gossip, 'Um... No.'
You gossip, 'You know what I remember?'
Martag replies to you, 'the idiot box is on and the kids have all gathered around
there god!'
You gossip, 'You sucking some D in the dark alley of Ralnoth.'
You reply to Martag, 'haha'
You reply to Martag, 'free time to play aa'
Cu Chulainn gossips, 'not for gossip calcifer'
You gossip, 'Sorry.'
Abaet gossips, 'heh'
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