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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2014 Jan 10 12:28 (slej) Who knew player corpses could be...
Next Msg   - 2014 Mar 27 18:21 (cria) irony

Date:    2014 Feb 11 09:18
From:    rhorae
Subject: How builders come up with ideas.
Wily gossips, 'You get a pair of astral pants from a fountain.'
Wily gossips, 'are these yours'
Draak gossips, '*shudder*'
Draak gossips, 'why does my brain do that?'
Draak gossips, 'you guys gave me an awful idea'
Draak gossips, 'about a quest where a pedophile wants you to get a draught from the
fountain of youth to use on his wife'
Draak gossips, 'totally not going to do it, but you guys GET OUT OF MY BRAIN'

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