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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2010 Mar 17 22:15 (althor) Smash's demented idea of what ...
Next Msg   - 2010 Mar 17 22:28 (althor) Talon's demented idea of Chuck...

Date:    2010 Mar 17 22:24
To:      all
From:    althor
Subject: Smash's demented idea of what Chucky Cheese tokens are for....Continued
Althor shouts, 'sorry Smash...200 tickets only gets you rat vag...'

Locane shouts, 'lol'

Prism shouts, 'if you win enough tickets you can sit in the mouses lap'

Althor shouts, 'lap dance from the mouse for 500 tickets maybe?'

Sandman shouts, 'you can have something off the bottom shelf if you get 50 more tickets

Althor shouts, 'lol...bottom shelf vag'

Sandman shouts, 'oh did I say on I ment under.. sorry.'

Smash shouts, 'all the moms there have bottom shelf vag'

Althor shouts, 'lol'

Sandman shouts, 'yea vagabonds'

Talon shouts, 'rofl'

Althor shouts, 'Smash has now changed Chucky Cheese Prize Tickets into Vagi-tickets...'

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