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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2013 Jun 26 23:40 (rhorae) Someone might want to investig...
Next Msg   - 2013 Jul 21 18:25 (phalange) No thanks.

Date:    2013 Jun 27 22:40
To:      all
From:    amaya
Subject: Can we spell yet?
Rhorae tells the group, oh yeah you fopuntained
Rhorae tells the group, fountained
Slej tells the group, fopuntained
Rhorae tells the group, fopuntained
Rhorae tells the group, rofl
You tell the group, hahahaha
Rhorae tells the group, add that to the dictionar
Rhorae tells the group, dictionary
You tell the group, wow
Slej tells the group, dictionar
Rhorae tells the clan, hey guys, we have a new word
You tell the group, you guys lmfao
Gortheer tells the group, and add dictionar to the dictioanry, too
Rhorae tells the clan, fopuntained
Gortheer tells the group, and that
Slej tells the group, omg
Gortheer tells the group, lolol
Gortheer tells the group, dictionary
Rhorae tells the group, we're gonna run out of paper soon

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