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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
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Next Msg - 2007 Feb 6 21:53 (maul) Dentin the Knowledgeable
Date: 2007 Feb 6 02:09
From: maul
Subject: random funny quotes
Apollos yells, 'SHUT UP PENCIL DICK!!!'
(auction) a bit of the cronic bud sold to Maul for 20000 gold coins.
You eat a bit of the cronic bud.
You are full.
[midnight] Angelbaby: OK OK, !!!! enough about my mom and crumbs and cheese
You tell the clan, 'im such a fag'
Mathayas tells the clan, 'i stubed my fuking toe!'
Stabz auctions, 'I dont want to get raped'
[xp] Bug: maybe I'm ignoring half of this conversation and that's why it doesn't
make any fucking sense
[xp] Bug: I've got a quest for you shemalideen
[xp] Bug: it's the successfully answer my fucking questions quest
[xp] Deviant: Yay for boobies!
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