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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2013 Nov 10 08:05 (necar) Apparently Morpheus was...
Next Msg   - 2013 Dec  4 22:45 (kliro) Finger

Date:    2013 Nov 17 14:56
From:    thunderer
Subject: tiger anatomy
Yuusha auctions, 'hahahahahahahhaa'
Scryer auctions, 'freshly neutered'

Item: 'it ball nut left testicle tiger'  
Weight: 1  Size: 0'2"  Level: 48
Object is: 
Type: SPELLCOMP   Composition: MEAT
Estimated cost: 2760  

Minimum bid is 69 gold coins.

(auction) Now accepting bids for 'a tiger's left testicle', minimum bid is 69 gold
Smegma auctions, 'rofl'
Anthrax auctions, 'just what I needed to complete my collection!'
You auction, 'um'
(auction) Juju has bid 69 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Torax gossips, 'Hail all.'
(auction) Current bid is 69 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Juju auctions, 'ROFL classic'
(auction) Smegma has bid 100 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
(auction) Juju has bid 300 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
(auction) Current bid is 300 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Kuros auctions, 'mmmm'
Smegma auctions, 'me needs for voodoo'
You auction, 'yeah Anthrax, because you totally need some :) jk'
(auction) Current bid is 300 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
(auction) Smegma has bid 400 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
(auction) Current bid is 400 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Torax auctions, 'hahahahahahaha, waywaywayway too funny.'
(auction) Juju has bid 900 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
(auction) Current bid is 900 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Anthrax auctions, 'hey, if I gave you one of mine, we'd both have two'
Juju auctions, 'Indeed, this one is going in the storage locker'
Torax auctions, 'If the right one comes up, let me know.'
(auction) Current bid is 900 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Athina auctions, 'it looks like someone really wants that nut!'
You auction, 'heh'
Juju auctions, 'Nom nom nom'
Scryer auctions, 'you wouln't want two left testicles'
(auction) Current bid is 900 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
You auction, 'where do these load?!'
Smegma auctions, 'rofl'
(auction) 'a tiger's left testicle', going once for 900 gold coins.
Scryer auctions, 'on a tiger near pandas'
Temptation auctions, 'in your pants, of course'
(auction) Crushrock has bid 1400 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Scryer auctions, 'in a jungle'
Anthrax auctions, 'i'm guessing on a very unhappy tiger'
Temptation auctions, 'aww'
Scryer auctions, 'in a ballsack'
(auction) Current bid is 1400 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Juju auctions, 'rofl'
Smegma auctions, 'in a tiger's sack'
(auction) Juju has bid 1800 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
Torax auctions, 'Hehehehehehe.'
(auction) Current bid is 1800 gold coins for 'a tiger's left testicle'.
---a few body parts later---
(auction) a tiger's spleen sold to Juju for 69 gold coins.
(auction) a tiger's eye sold to Torax for 69 gold coins.

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