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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room

Prev Msg   - 2010 Apr 20 16:42 (lokar) Locane and everything with him ...
Next Msg   - 2010 Jul 31 13:04 (draak) Dentin on leveling

Date:    2010 May 14 12:12
To:      all
From:    lokar
Subject: Some kettles ARE black!
Lokar shouts, 'tick tick'
Mason shouts, 'the party doesnt start til lokar walks in.'
Stewie shouts, 'yeah. it doesn't start ending until he walks in'
Mason shouts, 'err...'
Lokar shouts, 'dont mind stewie Mason, he's not to bright'
Stewie shouts, 'took yiou that long to come up with that? not so bright yourself'
Lokar shouts, 'I was busy, some of us actually play the mud <3'
Stewie shouts, 'really?'
Stewie shouts, 'never noticed. you must be jenius or something'
Lokar shouts, 'yes, I must be a jenius'
Stewie shouts, 'na.'
Stewie shouts, 'just seem kind of dumb to me but. shrugs'
Cu Chulainn shouts, 'tell dentin please force lokar to change his title to lokar
the jenius'
Stewie shouts, 'nooooo! lokar the dumbass'
Cu Chulainn shouts, 'heh'
Stewie shouts, 'cause you are!'
Stewie shouts, 'some kettles are black idiot'
Stewie shouts, 'that's a dumb thing to say anyway'
Cu Chulainn shouts, 'you dont get the reference, CLEARLY'
Lokar shouts, 'oh Man, the more you speak the more precious you become'
Stewie shouts, 'thanks'
Stewie shouts, 'yeah I do. racist comment that failed'
Lokar shouts, 'ROFL'
Cu Chulainn shouts, 'er.. thats not a racist comment heh'
Stewie shouts, 'weren't you trying to make me say a racist comment or something?'
Lokar shouts, 'You sir, are the most brilliant person I have ever met.'

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