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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2013 Jan 17 03:56 (estuan) heh
Next Msg - 2013 Jan 27 16:39 (lilmike) hmm, I wonder
Date: 2013 Jan 17 19:15
To: all
From: shadowweaver
Subject: A tipical day on shout
Yep. This is what I do to amuse me...
Shadowweaver shouts, 'yee_haw'
Shadowweaver shouts, 'weyoun's got eggs, guys'
Akasuki shouts, 'don't you all?'
Shadowweaver shouts, 'mother weyoun'
Akasuki shouts, 'ok, I guess'
Shadowweaver shouts, 'roar?'
Felonia shouts, 'meow'
Mai shouts, 'keel the kitty'
Shadowweaver shouts, 'purrr'
Sasanak shouts, 'Awww. Cute kitties...'
Riddle shouts, 'Exterminate the cat haters.'
Sasanak shouts, 'Yes!'
Shadowweaver shouts, 'the cat distructitron 300! (yes. it's only 300 now because
the manufacturers got lazier than they already are ant felt like removing a 0. They
reasoned it was just subtracting 0, which meant nothing, and so no one would care.)'
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