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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2009 Mar 2 15:57 (pjbdude) Bad kissers
Next Msg - 2009 Mar 14 12:45 (psythe) rly?
Date: 2009 Mar 10 06:20
To: all
From: demon
Subject: Mason's EPIC fail
<795hp 135m 489mv>
Mason auctions, ':('
<795hp 135m 513mv>rydia martag dont you have like 10 kids?
[rydia] A terrible winged Demon: martag dont you have like 10 kids?
<804hp 134m 512mv>
(auction) Starting bid on 'imperial sode' at 100 gold.
(auction) This item is being sold by Mason.
<804hp 134m 513mv>bid
This item is being sold by Mason.
Item: 'sode imperial'
Weight: 3 Size: 2'0" Level: 20 (very common)
Object is: ENCHANTED
Type: ARMOR Composition: NONE Ac-apply: 8
Wear locations are: ARMS
Estimated cost: 3508
Item has effects as:
Affects: ARMOR by 1
Affects: SAVING_SPELL by -1
Compared to your current equipment:
imperial sode looks like it would not protect you as well as titanium sleeves.
Minimum bid is 100 gold coins.
<804hp 134m 513mv>auc ROFL
You auction, 'ROFL'
<804hp 134m 512mv>auc +!?
You auction, '+!?'
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