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Board Name - The Silly Quote board room
Prev Msg - 2008 Jul 19 03:21 (pakufax) Stefen has AIDS
Next Msg - 2008 Aug 1 11:34 (psythe) hmm...
Date: 2008 Jul 30 02:01
To: all dentin
From: mason
Subject: log i collected, not that funny
[none] Imp: Watery, from this day forward I hate you and you're gay
[samon] Imp: I wish I had a porno mag or something, there's too many people in the
room to masturbate to internet porn.
[xp] Shadowdeath: why do I have a feeling that I've had this conversation with a
black person before
Stefen shouts, 'You infidel! Go away or face the wrath of mighty Mota!'
[shuei] Shadowdeath: wait... I don't like cheerio's fuck this
Morpheus tells you, 'that twat is rydia'
You reply to Morpheus, 'poor bastard is just trying to fit in.'
Morpheus replies to you, 'I wish it would fit into a crashing plane'
(ppk) Blizz: I thought shinoto was ppk
(ppk) Shinoto: Nod so did I...
(ppk) Shinoto: That nigger....
Oh shit...
a rune-etched black knife instantly vaporizes, releasing a raging field of magical
Fig says, 'can I have my knife back now or do you need it for somthing?'
[bovine] Dentin: ha ha u r a dumy u cnt evn spel rite
Someone tells you, 'I want you'
Someone tells you, 'doa wants you'
Someone tells you, 'so does talos'
Ryden shouts, 'when i search it says that i notice something, but doesnt tell me
Ryden shouts, 'what do i do?'
You shout, 'oh it's a special room'
You shout, 'you have to summon me there, and then give me 400 gold'
Ryden shouts, 'i cant summon'
[ninja] Shadowdeath: thought you said, nigger attack. I was like wtf, whose getting
Moose flames, 'fuckin get spellcheck you fucking hore'
Dentin flames, 'h4h4 ur teh g4ye5t!!1!11!!'
[ninja] Keiser: When last you died, you lost knowledge of 'trigonometric substitution'.
this was after a crash, maul was missing gold or some shit and was complaining
[fos] Mason: omg, maul you're also missing your eq!
[fos] Maul: WHAT~?!~?!?!~?!?!!?!?!
[fos] Mason: just fucking with you
[fos] Maul: FUCK YOU BITCH
[fos] Maul: EAT COCK
[fos] Exlax: That wasy funny as hell.
[fos] Maul: That was NOT funny.
[fos] Mason: xp is what im talking about
<623hp 611m 354mv>
[fos] Maul: Suck-my-nut
You say, 'i've been here longer, i should be atleast an admin'
Shadowmancer says, 'i've been here longer than you...'
You say, 'it's 07 now'
Shadowmancer says, 'not on this char though'
You say, 'which means'
You say, 'i've been here four years'
Shadowmancer says, 'i started in 05'
Necro says, 'been here since 97 bitches.'
You say, 'maul is canadian, he lives in a diffrent year'
Necro says, 'Mason'
Necro says, 'Lick anal'
You say, 'it's still 03 '
[fos] Stefen: ruin is a Collosal Mecha-Ant that Expands when Attacked, has Acid for
Blood and four Extra Limbs, and Screeches when Angry.
[xp] Kiarn: If you're not meeting intoxicated women, you aren't in the right place.
Dentin gossips, 'what the hell, you guys are totally flame warring up this channel
for no reason, and now hitler has been invoked. Setting channel to read only, go
fight somewhere else'
Sorry, channel 'gossip' is presently in LISTEN-ONLY mode.
Stefen threatens to torture someone with The Force.
Draak parries Vivi's attack.
Draak *** ANNIHILATES *** Vivi!
Vivi has been KILLED!
Keiser says, 'why is my lipstick running?'
Phalange says, 'Dont let anyone tell you that you're not a beautiful flower, Mason'
Someone tells you, 'I read your title as the Promiscuous for a minute there, on who
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