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Board Name - The Mush-Z Board Room

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Date:    2020 Feb  8 11:06
From:    xera
Subject: help  with custom sounds and volumes
 Instructions for custom sounds:

First find out the path of the sound you want to replace, the sound print
command will help with  this or you can look in the worlds/alteraeon/sounds
folder. Once you have the sound path locate the custom sounds folder. This
is under sounds/alteraeon/custom. Now recreate the path exactly including
any sub folders. Once this is done all you need to do is type config
customsounds to enable. For those wishing to share sound packs simply zip
and distribute. The zip can then be extracted into the custom folder.

Instructions for custom volumes

Find out the sound path (see above). Type vol add <path> <volume>. Note
this supports partial matching so for example you can do vol add
misc/event_fishing_derby 0 and this will mute all the fishing derby sounds
Volume range is from 0 to 100 with 100 been max volume and 1 been the
lowest volume and 0 been mute Once done type config customvolume to enable.
To see what custom volumes you currently have setup type vol list. To
change the volume simply retype vol add again with a new level and to
remove type  vol remove and the path or vol clear to nuke all.

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