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Board Name - The Mush-Z Board Room

Next Msg   - 2019 Mar 16 13:46 (dannar) Nothing in particular

Date:    2018 Nov 11 14:29
To:      all
From:    shermanator
Subject: support for 'eqlist'
I wish for support for eqlist be resume.
I currenly have 5 chars. each has about 16 sets.
i bought 10 eqset slots for each char but do not want to have to buy 16, or more,
 for each.
So in total I have about 80 eqlist sets. I use eqlist for those sets that are needed
but not every day.
recently, like past few days, I have experienced a wierd problem.
If i try to put on a eqlist set, it says it cannot find uid # such and such.
yet if i use that uid and just get item bag it finds it mo problem.
and yes I have infravision up. in a totally lit room. during daylight with sun out.
and just today I tried to put on a set. it said it could not find 1 of the itemws.
so i got that item from my bag. then put the item back in my bag and tried to wear
the set again.
it found that last item and wore it with no problem.
but many of my sets it could not find like most of the set. yet it might find 1 or
2 items and wear them with no problem.
so again I am asking for support be put back into eqlist.
and one other thing that would be nice with eqlist is if the weapon was the last
thing it tried  to wear. not the first.
that due to many strenght requirements it might need from the eq in that set.
thanks for listening. and thanks for the support you all give towards mush z.

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