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Board Name - The Event Room (Room 1388)
Prev Msg - 2024 Nov 9 07:32 (morpheus) day 2 a pirate (1)
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Date: 2024 Nov 9 07:34
From: morpheus
Subject: day 2 a pirate (2)
Sturm says, pirate
head - a black eye patch(unique)
neck - a diamond studded black leather collar
neck - a chain of vesperine steel(artifact) (glow)
arms - a fringed sky blue shawl (glow)
wrist - an ametrine bracelet(unique)
wrist - a tiger-claw charm bracelet
hands - a pair of mystical blue gloves (glow)
finger - a skull gold filigree ring(crafted)
finger - a carved bone ring
on body - a ziff-inlaid adamantium cuirass(crafted)
about body - a black linen cape(crafted)
waist - a sky blue sash (glow)
legs - a peg leg
feet - classy black boots(rare)
held - a hook
weapon - a skull pirate sword
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