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Board Name - The Event Room (Room 1388)
Prev Msg - 2024 Nov 9 07:34 (morpheus) day 2 a pirate (2)
Next Msg - 2024 Nov 9 08:18 (morpheus) day 2 a pirate (3)
Date: 2024 Nov 9 07:35
From: morpheus
Subject: day 2 the Undead Pharaoh
Coyote says, 'Ah, Morpheus, today I rise as the Undead Pharaoh.'
head - an ancient golden crown(artifact) (glow)
neck - a bronze ankh
neck - an ancient bone collar(rare) (glow)
arms - bleached skull sleeves(runecarved) (hum) (crystal)
wrist - hammered copper bracer(unique)
wrist - the Mark of the Serpent(unique)
hands - a pair of silver threaded gloves
finger - a golden sunburst ring(unique) (glow)
finger - a lapis lazuli band ring(crafted)
on body - King Tut's Royal wrappings
about body - a royal-looking purple cloak
waist - a red sash
legs - medical bandages
feet - a pair of inoxium-studded crested shrythikit skin sandals(crafted)
shield - a scarab shield(artifact)
held - the royal ankh of the Pharaoh (light)
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