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Date:    2020 Jul 14 17:09
From:    shadowfax
Subject: Summer Solstice Celebration 2020 Prizes!
Post-event prizes for the Summer Solstice Celebration 2020 are now
available!  Talk to Xena in room 1388 to receive your prize(s).

If you completed Wave 0 in the Puzzlewood or 100 kills on Starving Rock,
you get a participation award: a commemorative frisbee!

If you completed the 1000 kills quest on Starving Rock, you win a ring of
limitless possibilities.  This will randomize its stats every time you cast
dispel magic on it and will adjust to your level.

If you completed two of the three event areas (1000 kills on Starving Rock,
Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood or saved the people of Mowami Island from the
volcano), you win a prize voucher that can be exchanged for a piece of
equipment.  Turn the voucher in to the class guildmaster of your choice in
Ralnoth.  For example, for the gauntlets of the fire warrior, you give the
voucher to the guildmaster of swordsmen.

The gauntlets are all hands wear location pieces of equipment with 1
castlevel and absorbfire by 5.  They are class flagged.  For example, the
mage version looks like this:

Item: 'gauntlets red flames fire mage' 
Weight: 1  Size: 1'0"  Level: 38
Type: ARMOR   Composition: METAL   Defense: 2 ac-apply
Object is: MAGE 
Wear locations are: HANDS 
Item has other effects:
Affects:  MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  ABSORB_FIRE by 5

If you change your mind, return the gauntlets to the guildmaster to get
back a voucher.  (This will be disabled in about a month to prevent
crafting abuse.)  Gauntlets from previous events can also be returned for a
voucher, if you so choose.

For completing all three event areas, you win the grand prize: a cloak of

If you don't want your ring of limitless possibilities or cloak of flames,
you can give it back to Xena for a prize voucher.  You can also turn in any
rings of limitless possibilities from previous events.

If you don't want to trade your voucher for equipment, you can give it to
Xena for 2000 gold.

Also if you're interested in completing the 'Obtained Soul Eater,
ultramarine form' feat but have since lost your Soul Eater, you can get
another one from Xena by giving her 10000 gold.  This will give you a
carnelian form Soul Eater.  You must have done the prerequisite quests of
rescuing Lady Lyonors, slaying Lady Morgana and having had Lynette explain
Soul Eater to you to obtain the feat.  (There is no advantage to gaining
multiple Soul Eaters, so don't waste your gold if you already have one.)

Xena will be available until the end of the Feast of the Sacrifice event on
August 6th.

TL/DR Talk to Xena until she stops giving you stuff.

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