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Board Name - The Case Law Board Room (Room 1392)
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Date: 2014 Dec 7 04:42
From: dentin
Subject: Athlon group player kill
Athlon and three other of his multis - Santarosa, Haswell, and Celeron -
are to be frozen for malicious and intentional pk. Sentence has not
yet been determined, but will be posted here soon.
Currently understood facts of the case
Athlon was fully logged. Fact disputes can be verified against logfiles.
Athlon used the 'group join' command to initially join a mid-high level
group of 6 others led by Ritchhart. At the time, the group was running
invisible giants, taking them on one or two at a time, with good success.
Shortly after joining the group, Athlon boosted his charisma above the
aggression level of the giants and began lightning flashing. With five
giants attacking simultaneously, the tank soon fled and the group began
to disintegrate.
Athlon then proceeded to follow group members around, lightning flashing
to attract the swarms of giants.
At one point, Athlon resurrected a dead group member in the presence of
several giants, knowing full well that doing so would result in immediate
death. After that death, he attempted to do so again, but failed the
spell after which the corpse was taken by another group member.
Overall death list
Mata - first death, intentional/undirected
Ritchhart - second death, intentional/undirected
Mata - third death - intentional/directed/malicious
Mata - attempted fourth pkill - intentional/directed/malicious
Ritchhart - fourth death, intentional/undirected
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